About Tipclub

Tipclub is a business-focused, strategic networking organization that empowers people to help each other connect and grow professional relationships.

Referral and word of mouth continue to be some of the most powerful business divers available, but even in today’s multi-platform world, finding clients, projects and alliances is still a challenge. Tipclub bridges the gap between digital and personal by providing strategic networking tools and support to help professionals and businesses succeed.

Tipclub was founded in 1999 by Mike Marcellus to provide a more flexible and productive way to business network. Unsatisfied with some of the rigid rules of other “tip clubs” or networking groups, Mike launched his organization so business people could focus on helping each other and not be bogged down by strict requirements or quotas. Today, Tipclub manages networking meetings nationwide and offers multiple digital tools for strategic networking.

The Tipclub mission is to provide the ultimate business networking experience that empowers business people to help others they know, like, and trust.

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